Not so much for the Whiteness of the Moonlight

One table, six people burdened with the weight of anticipated confessions, seven chairs and an army of white golf balls shine relentlessly.

Shortly a sea of shameful memories will flood the space and we will be submerged in a world of honesty and confession. Confessions not just of secrets but of simple truths. These revelations accidentally become fairy tales of realities that we follow with great intent and curiosity. A splendid light vertigo between reality and imagination. Yet somewhere within the blithe and humorous tales a deep bitterness is lurking. When is it not funny anymore?

The rawness and confessional strength of the movement material alongside the biting humor and pathos of adult reflections on childhood memories bring a high voltage and dynamic fusion of dance and theatre where physicality, speed and golf balls are the rules of poetic interpretations. A fresh approach to the world of sensation, imagination and inspiration.

The piece is inspired by the poetic theatre monologue “Moonlight Sonata” by Yanis Ritsos. “… in the corners of the room the shadows intensify with an intolerable regret, almost fury, not so much for the life, as for the useless confession …”


The Place for the Resolutions! Festival, London



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