The Price of a Bed for the Night

In the midst of the lockdown in 2020, when, like all performance professionals I watched all my work disappear within a few days, Oundle International Festival had the faith and generosity to commission me to make a five-part family storytelling show as part of their online festival. As this was the first time I had made anything for camera, I roped in my wonderful friends Rimski & Handkerchief to create some music to underscore the stories, and my good friend Ben Mali Macfadyen to film us on a little hand-held camera. As none of us are film artists, we decided to perform the episodes live in Rimski’s Yard in Oxfordshire, in one long day of filming on the summer solstice in June 2020… hence the fading light and minor blips! I hope these add to the feeling of liveness and authenticity! It certainly does capture a moment in time… and what strange time it was…


Oundle International Festival



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